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Power Skating is an essential part of any hockey players schedule. This allows for strength and agility training in a fun environment. Each skater will learn, grown and move up levels as they are ready.

We are not offering a Spring Session

Power Skating 

Summer Session

Power Skating Schedule - Summer 2024

Monday  6 weeks (no ice Aug 5th)

5-6 pm  age 10-11

6-7 pm age 5-6

7-8 pm age 6-7

Tuesday 7 weeks

5-6 pm age 9-10

6-7 pm age 5-6

7-8 pm age 14+


Wednesday  7 weeks

5-6 pm age 8-9

6-7 pm age 10-11

7-8 pm age 11-12

Thursday  7 weeks

5-6 pm age 12-13

6-7 pm age 6-7

7-8 pm age 9-10


Carol MacPherson

This is a high energy program encouraging your skater to work passed their perceived limits, encouraging hard work and fun to achieve their personal goals.

Summer Power Session Registration is now open.

Please click the following

Please note that ice time will be impacted by the registration numbers. If we are unable to reach the required number of skaters sessions may be combined and or cancelled.  We will keep the effected families posted of any possible changes.


Hockey Player's Outfits

Power Equipment

Power skating equipment is full hockey gear and a hockey stick. Here is a list of the items required * and most often used.

Hockey Helmet*

Hockey cage or visor*

Neck guard *

Shoulder pads*

Elbow pads*

Hockey pants*

Athletic Supporter (Jock or Jill) *

Shin guards *

Hockey jersey

Hockey socks

Hockey gloves*

Mouth guard *

Hockey stick*

Hockey skates*

Skate guards

Hockey bag

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